Grange Hill Vets's home page
  • Call our surgery01543 416246
  • Out of hours01543 416246
  • Emergency01543 416246

General Information

Vet fees, out of hours & more

Fees & Payment

Payment of all fees is required at the time of treatment. This applies equally to insured and non-insured clients. We can accept payment by cash and credit/debit card.

Settlement of Outstanding Payments

Our policy is for all accounts to be settled on the day as outstanding fees may incur administration fees where bills have to be sent. 


Veterinary fees do incur Value Added Tax (VAT) at the current rate. 


Fee Estimates for routine and non-routine surgery are given on request and we do recommend that all clients discuss treatment costs with the vets during consultations.

Out-Of-Hours Fees

Consultation and visit fees after hours vary depending on the time of day/night. We encourage you to discuss the fees when contacting the emergency clinic. The fees charged will be those set by the practice attended (i.e. Pool House Veterinary Hospital).


See our Pet Health Club page. 


Our policy is for insured clients to pay as they go along, and then we will be happy to fill out the vet section on your claim form. We ask that you collect your forms and check them before you send to your insurance company. If it is an ongoing condition, we can complete ongoing claim forms. Direct claims may only be authorized by the veterinary surgeons in exceptional circumstances and for single large claims.


All clinical records, including radiographs, belong to Grange Hill Veterinary Centre. These records may be sent to other Veterinary Surgeons on request, as per our duty of care to the patient.

We do not currently have someone living in attendance at the surgery all night. Animals which are kept as in-patients overnight, however, are monitored depending on clinical need. The attending vet will be happy to discuss the individual needs and costs. Our policy is to only keep pets in hospital when absolutely essential.


Prescriptions are available from this practice. You may obtain relevant veterinary medicinal products from your veterinary surgeon OR ask for a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or a pharmacy.

There is a charge for a written prescription, available on request. Obtaining POM-V products without a prescription is illegal. Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe relevant veterinary medicinal products only, following a clinical assessment of an animal under his or her care.

A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or if immediate treatment is necessary. On request, you will be informed of the price of any medicine that may be prescribed for your animal.  

The general policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal that requires repeat prescriptions for supplies of relevant veterinary medicinal products every 3-6 months, but this may vary with individual circumstances.

The standard charge for a re-examination is available on request. Further information on the prices of medicines is available on request.

Please note that we require 48 hours notice for any repeat prescription request.


We strive to provide the best possible attention that we as a practice can. If our efforts do not meet your satisfaction, please contact the practice to discuss and we will endeavour to resolve your enquiry or problem. If the complaint is serious, please put the matter in writing.

We welcome all feedback, positive and negative, as we aim to please and continue to improve our service to both pets and owners.

Please address complaints to Lucy Harrison, Practice Principal.